Quality of Place (Placemaking) is a critical, but often overlooked, component of building and sustaining an area’s economy. Garner Economics has a unique set of skills and experiences working with government agencies, destination marketing organizations (DMOs), and business groups to leverage tourism, cultural, and heritage resources to improve quality of place and create entrepreneurship and business development opportunities. We work with these clients to help them understand their market appeal to visitors and new residents, which builds your talent pipeline; provide organizational strategies for building local and regional place economies; and coordinate their tourism and cultural product development initiatives with broader economic development programs. Jay Garner served as the CEO of the Asheville, NC Chamber of Commerce, which included the Asheville Convention & Visitors Bureau. Tina Aitkin has extensive experience with DMOs.
“Jay and his team brought extensive experience and an invaluable perspective to our community in the creation of an economic development master plan for the City of Fredericksburg. This included strategies related to our large tourism sector. Jay has proven to be honest and direct, very perceptive to our community’s needs and potential. He and his staff are attentive to detail and thorough in their analysis and recommendations. An invaluable resource to us!”
Karen Hedelt | Retired Director | Economic Development and Tourism | Fredericksburg, VA