03/12/2025 Fayetteville Launches Five-Year Economic Development Plan Aiming at Growth and Prosperity hoodline
07/16/2024 In Bethlehem, Governor Shapiro Hosts Ceremonial Bill Signing for Bipartisan Budget that Includes Major Investments to Create Jobs, Spur Economic Development, and Create More Shovel-Ready Sites Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
07/16/2024 Gov. Shapiro Chooses Lehigh Valley to Tout Pennsylvania’s New Investments in Economic Development Lehigh Valley Economic Development
06/05/2024 St. Charles County business community seeks 5-year strategic plan as it continues to seek meaningful growth First Alert 4
04/24/2024 Development consultant recommends Greater Peoria focus on being a 'quality' place to live WCBU.org
01/12/2023 Groundwater models show West Valley has limited water resources. What's next for developers? Phoenix Business Journal